BPM 1/4 Note 16 beats 1 2 3 4 (seconds) 5   6 7   8
32 1875.000 16 60/32 = 1.875 * 16 = 30 /16 = 1.875 * 1000 = 1875
40 1500.000 16 60/40 = 1.5 * 16 = 24 /16 = 1.5 * 1000 = 1500
48 1250.000 16 60/48 = 1.25 * 16 = 20 /16 = 1.25 * 1000 = 1250
50 1200.000 16 etc. = 1.2 * 16 = 19.2 /16 = 1.2 * 1000 = 1200
60 1000.000 16 = 1 * 16 = 16 /16 = 1 * 1000 = 1000
64 937.500 16 = 0.9375 * 16 = 15 /16 = 0.9375 * 1000 = 937.5
75 800.000 16 = 0.8 * 16 = 12.8 /16 = 0.8 * 1000 = 800
80 750.000 16 = 0.75 * 16 = 12 /16 = 0.75 * 1000 = 750
96 625.000 16 = 0.625 * 16 = 10 /16 = 0.625 * 1000 = 625
100 600.000 16 = 0.6 * 16 = 9.6 /16 = 0.6 * 1000 = 600
120 500.000 16 = 0.5 * 16 = 8 /16 = 0.5 * 1000 = 500
125 480.000 16 = 0.48 * 16 = 7.68 /16 = 0.48 * 1000 = 480
128 468.750 16 = 0.46875 * 16 = 7.5 /16 = 0.46875 * 1000 = 468.75
150 400.000 16 = 0.4 * 16 = 6.4 /16 = 0.4 * 1000 = 400
160 375.000 16 = 0.375 * 16 = 6 /16 = 0.375 * 1000 = 375
192 312.500 16 = 0.3125 * 16 = 5 /16 = 0.3125 * 1000 = 312.5
200 300.000 16 = 0.3 * 16 = 4.8 /16 = 0.3 * 1000 = 300
240 250.000 16 = 0.25 * 16 = 4 /16 = 0.25 * 1000 = 250
250 240.000 16 = 0.24 * 16 = 3.84 /16 = 0.24 * 1000 = 240
256 234.375 16 = 0.234375 * 16 = 3.75 /16 = 0.234375 * 1000 = 234.375
300 200.000 16 = 0.2 * 16 = 3.2 /16 = 0.2 * 1000 = 200
320 187.500 16 = 0.1875 * 16 = 3 /16 = 0.1875 * 1000 = 187.5
Count 16 beats by starting your stop watch on beat 1 and stop your watch on beat 17.
Then take your time and multiply it by you time by 62.5 to find your delay time for a quarter note.
Plese see delay times to find delays for other note values.
Things in itallics are your unknowns
1 Seconds devided by beats per minute
2 Multiplyer of beats
3 Beats Counted (Start on 1 end on beat 17 to get 16 beats total).
4 How many seconds it takes to get 16 beats at given BPM
5 24 beats counted devided by seconds it took to count them
6 How long each quarter notes takes
7 Multiplyer to convert seconds into millaseconds
8 How many millaseconds each quarter note takes